Image This thing.

This is why I will not be playing beyond two souls with the rest of you. I have a confession to make, you may want to sit down for this – I don’t have a PS3, or an XBOX 360 indeed the last console I owned was a PS2 slim. I know, I know, shocking that one so nerdy had learned how to live vicariously through others instead of playing console limited games themselves. That’s the point, I can’t do it anymore.


So instead of forking out for a PS3 when it’s about to be replaced anyway… I will be saving my moneis for this bad boy. Why PS4 over XBOX? Simple.

XBOX is for multiplayers PS4 is for lone wolves. Now you can do either/or on each console but you know which one is dedicated to which and I just plain don’t play well with others. The only reason I have a STWTOR account is because bioware made it and i missed mass effects dialogue wheel.

It’s powerful, it will be able to play PS3 games so two birds one stone, although not initially, but  I can wait. It also has a number of cool new titles coming out which I will be blogging about shortly, I’m sure.


How about you? XBOX or PS and why. trolls will be left out in the sun to turn to stone.

Comment below, have a nerdy day.