Star trek: into darkness – predictions


Something you should know about me – I’m a massive trekkie.

Like most star trek series  fans, after seeing 2009 star trek film, I felt a little cheated.

Sure it was fun, and I actually liked spock and uhura getting together, then of course JJ Abrahms was amazing.

However, with the movies ‘alternate timeline’ plot, what that essentially did to all us long term fans was say:

Hey, remember the years you spent watching the original series, next generation, deep space nine and voyager?  NEVER HAPPENED HA HA!”

But if I can somehow push this to the back of my brain I could still manage to enjoy the film, like so many others did (even non sci-fi fans). Which is why I can’t understand how it has taken sooooooo long to bring out a sequel?

P.S. Thank you for casting my favourite actor Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch as a bad-ass, sexy-as-all-get-up, villain extrordinare.

So my predictions; now, these are based solely on the trailers and clips we have been allowed to see by the studio. No leaks, No spoilers, just good old hunches.

So It’s mostly this:

Kirk Dies.

“Why? the main charcter can’t die! “I hear you say. Well remember this is JJ we’re dealing with. But allow me to go through my evidence, step by step.

1. THIS ->

This is the trailer with the voice over of  Pike chastising kirk ‘”You think you can’t make mistakes yada yada yada” these and similar audio snippets build a theme of kirk is over confident, cocky and one day going to get his crew killed  the one thing that kirk fears the most. Remember our boy doesn’t believe in no-win scenarios. But and others go on you realise this trailer and others essentially confirm that kirk f**ks up somewhere. In one bit he even says “I’m sorry” to the entire bridge. So what do we learn from this?

Kirk loves his crew, they are his family.

He has put them in danger

He cannot stand the thought of loosing them and would do anything to protect them.

2. THIS ->


for you non-trekkies out there, this is the iconic seen from the ORIGINAL star trek movie sequel wrath of khan. In which spock dies sacrificing himself for the good of the  crew. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” The same sentiment is expressed by 2009 spock in the opening first nine minutes of into darkness. (obvious red herring) but look ->


the exact same hand gesture in the new film (via trailer) JJ knew exactly what he was doing including this snippet in, he wanted the trekkies to bite, thinking that history was going to repeat itself. But –  AND BIG SPOILERS HERE (DONT LOOK!!!!!!!)

Spocks hand -blue arm- is reaching down ,from standing or crouching, but the black arm -presumably kirks is reaching up – from the floor? in agony? like spock was?!?!?!?!?!

What a twist?

The icing on the cake?

3. THIS ->


Spock staring into a containment pod? AUTHORIZED PERSONAL ONLY is spelt backwards on the glass, just like in wrath of khan, and hes looking down at something (SOMEONE) and screaming. The hand was white so it’s definitely not Uhura.


So ask yourselves, whose death would cause such a reaction from the emotionally stoic half vulcan?


I rest my case.